Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breathing Easier Because of Church?

Since my adolescence, it seems each generation thinks less of the Church. Some who felt that way were eventually reached by a church. Many others have not-so-inspiring stories. Instead of being touched by God's people, they were roughed up. What do you make of The Church?  What will God make of it in time to come?
I like to drive backroads and envision the landscape as God made it, before it was "spoiled" by human enterprise. Now that's an unkind estimate! Developers sometimes improve a site. They can work for good or greed. Is that the view people have of churches? Is it only human hands steering things  towards human ends, or does God's Hand continue shaping things towards His Ends? To the good of many who will forever be grateful.

I read 1 Kings 15:23 this morning... a verse that sizes up the 41 year term of a king named Asa. The Bible often gives leaders tough reviews. But Asa, it's said, "did right in the eyes of the LORD." Here's verse 23:

"The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and all the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Nevertheless in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet." What a word this is for us in the evangelical Christian tradition. What a challenge as we think about churches' futures! 

Sure, we can point back to positive accomplishments, but the last words about us have yet to be written. Will it be said that toward the end, we had "a disease of the feet?" So we quit moving forward and could no longer advance in love where God wanted us to go? Whatever reasons we may cite for churches experiencing decline, could Asa's ailment be one of them? 

I have a new sister in the Lord who will soon be with the Lord. A week ago she had strength enough to put up with a visiting preacher. Church wasn't at church. It was in a hospital room. During our talk she prayed to receive the promise of Life beyond this life. Over centuries, churches have walked with people through life and crisis--and this point of peace with God is the goal. May God heal our feet, and keep us going wherever Christ would send us. When we go, we and they can breathe easier.