Friday, May 4, 2012

The Story Continues

There's so many selling what I don't need, I sometimes screen out what I do need. Sorting mail and email, I have to check  to make sure I don't throw away something I shouldn't.  We do want to share the best news we ever heard, so we try to "earn" a hearing. Even then,  people do their message screening.

 I met a guy in the park awhile back walking his dog. He "wasn't interested in religion" but it was okay to talk about family letdowns and relationships. Somehow, the biblical story of Joseph and his brothers came up and, surprise. I wasn't spamming him any more.

There's a room where adults will gather this Sunday for Bible study. Tacked behind the teacher, there will be a "story cloth". It's an attractive visual to back up one of those messages we give out again and again. Stories from God's Word are a power tool to help us get to know God better, and to say that He is still at work in lives today.

the goal is the imprinted soul

I don't know that we need the cloth: I do know we need the method. We used storying on a local playground for outreach to neighborhood children. Several of us are memorizing stories to share next month with adult villagers  in Africa. A church member went to the hospital and used Bible stories to become a spiritual therapist to her physical therapist. Today, on the go, family room, boardroom, weight room, or waiting room, or biking along a trail, there' are many places where people can swap a story.

Do you have a story about sharing a story?