Saturday, March 12, 2011

God's Calculations and Ours

The psalmist talked about a time when he was in so deep, he couldn't get out. But God got him out. Actually, he said, God's done that for us more times than we can possibly track.

Here's Psalm 40:5 from 
the New International Version: 

Many, O LORD my God,
are the wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us
no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them,
they would be too many to declare.

Browse a few Bible pages and you'll find that the ancient Hebrews were not handicapped when it came to their counting ability! In fact, I look at some of their census figures, financial reports, arms inventories, and such, one might feel they were obsessed with keeping detailed accounts.

The word for God's plans speaks of detailed calculations. Originally, the verb had to do with weaving: lots of strands coming together. Various aspects of a larger plan. Then the "recounting" could well be an "accounting report". 

No matter how vast his expertise for doing inventory, 
there's no keeping up with how many ways God is looking out for us.

... I found this news piece published October 28, 2010 about the world's most powerful computer. It  can do 2.5 thousand trillion calculations per second. And don't you know, some company is already trying to develop the next generation that can do more faster?

God has not gotten smaller because technology has gotten bigger. 
Who He is and how much He does for us . . . we still don't have the equipment to calculate!                                                 ~ Breath easier.

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