Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thanks, Doc! I'm breathing easier.

Now I Understand!!
"It's only minor surgery if someone else is on the operating table."  Yes, I am breathing easier. Yes, my nose is still in bandages. This wasn't optional. It was skin damage I couldn't ignore. Recovery includes saturating my thinking with truth Jesus taught. I hope to share some new insights tomorrow that may be life-altering and health-restoring too.

It's good to know, of course, that you're in good hands. On the phone today, I talked to a friend who had her own surgery yesterday. She wondered aloud what many of us have at some time, "How do people go through this experience without the Lord?"  God's children can breathe assurance and courage of heart. Therefore, we breathe easier.

I wouldn't want to go another day  (much less another year) without knowing He's the One operating on us, and with us. I'm so grateful for as good a surgeon as we could get. Now as the doc reshapes my nose, our Sovereign Lord is intent on shaping His own likeness. Lest this sound too self-absorbed, how good to know that this is how His Grace is operating in the whole Body of Christ by The Spirit! 

No matter what unhappy reports CNN may broadcast tonight, there's a great prognosis for everyone who puts his or her life in His hands. Testify.

Your investment brokers can't tell you the outcome. No presidential candidate can either. Not even your doctor can. But: I know whom I have believed; and I'm convinced that He's able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that Day. - 2 Timothy 1:12.

May what you've entrusted to Him be as plain as the nose on your face. Thus shall we ever breathe easier.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for prayers. Follow up surgery will try to get the rest of the bad stuff missed in the first effort. Faith isn't just what can happen. Faith is about who's in charge.
