Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Catching Hold of The Rail

It's nice that the snow has almost melted here, at least for a few days. But stepping outdoors yesterday, into the sunshine of mid-day, the walkway where snow was a day before was glazed and slick. Mea culpa, y'all. I didn't shovel out like I should have this time. This was the path I had to take to get where I needed to go. One shifts his weight very carefully as not to slip. Didn't feel like visiting an orthopedic surgeon, y'know? Now others, in a situation like this will reach out and catch hold of a rail. 

Tonight at prayer meeting we turn again to Psalm 119: 49-56. We'll focus on these verses too. Remember your word to your servant in which you have made me hope.  This is my comfort in my affliction that your promise gives me life. Or as the King James translators rendered it, ...thy word hath quickened me. New International Version? ... your promise preserves my life. The New American Standard Bible says, ... your word has revived me.

Seekers and servants of God will identify with all those wonderful acknowledgements. Like this psalmist, we sometimes feel our footing is tentative. Yet we are allowed to see that he counts on God to make His word personal, and fulfill what it was intended to produce, faith, courage, following the path God would choose for him.  When we have to step out and walk a distance and something about the situation makes us think we could take a fall, make this prayer your prayer. "Remember your word to your servant on which you have made me to hope."  Catch hold of the rail, and breathe a little easier.

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