Saturday, January 5, 2013

We're More Than Ornaments, Aren't We?

Today we'll take down the Christmas tree, so I had to spend a few minutes as some of you might, enjoying that last look over decorations given and received over the years. Thinking back where this or that ornament was acquired. Some are  as old as any of my memories, treasures that my newlywed parents owned. Most came from different cities and countries visited over the years during different seasons of life, courtship, and ministry. You realize that different likes and different lessons became part of passing through places where you've been. The "places we pass through" leave a lasting imprint on who we are... where we're likely to go.

Tell me where you grew up, and I can at least take a good guess at how you like your cornbread or if you like it at all. More importantly, environments may not determine our faith, but God knows they shape it. Therefore healthy churches and communities are maybe partially defined as where people are becoming the family and force for God that they are meant to be. Places we meet God and meet the people of God will shape us, and what we believe life is about, and how deeply we are able to care for others. From where we've been, God wants to develop in us a capacity to be present where we are: to bless and be blessed. If the places we've been were consciously walking with God, great. Others like Jacob suddenly awaken to understand that we do not camp where we camp by accident, but by some unseen providence. (This certainly leaves its imprint upon us.) A realization and reclamation by God in our hearts. As we move from place to place with God, the imprint will not just be made on us--but believe this--God will somehow make His Imprint through us. 

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