Monday, February 25, 2013

Dark Orthodoxy

Imagine, this!  A preacher who sets time limits on how much he can say! I've prayed for those who pray I might watch the clock! So is timing the sermon blasphemy or a sacred obligation? You are free to hold either outlook. It's not a point of Orthodoxy:  a "must-have belief" universally held among all those who embrace the faith.

As I preach through the gospel of John, I can't do it in one sitting. Yesterday we considered what Jesus meant when he claimed to be "The Light of the World".  Because the instant he made that claim public, "Orthodox people" scrambled to cut the power on his mic.  Their reaction said, "In OUR world, you are static, not light!" 

We can make nice distinctions between Jewish Orthodoxy, Christian Orthodoxy, or orthodoxies of the secular kind, but there was a contest going on between what Jesus proposed, and what a group already presumed to be right.

Dark orthodoxy lets organizational outlook replace a real, and honest relationship with God. Let believers beware.
Dark orthodoxy enshrine our ways in opposition to the way Christ would show us.  This is a clear and present danger. In contrast, LIGHT keeps us honest with ourselves before God. 

How does Dark Orthodoxy react to Light? Add your own observations to this list: when "holy wars" are anything but holy, dark orthodoxy comes to light.

Dark Orthodoxy...

... Wants to silence voices that their group hasn't legitimized, or can't control.
... Claims to uphold truth, but rules out facts that could be inconvenient.
... Professes freedom while producing fear. They threaten expulsion and punishment for those who won't comply.
... Uses organizational power to hide what others ought to know. 
... Promotes hidden and hostile agendas.
... Is quick to engage in smear campaigns. They paints others who love God with a sinister brush.

Jesus makes it plain how God would purify the people who call upon His Name. We either receive or resist His grace. 

But The Light is where heaven's fellowship is.

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