Tuesday, October 13, 2009

...Because Our Troops Sacrifice

   In typical morning traffic along US 202N toward Valley Forge, commuters are not "breathing easier."
Today was an exception. The fall foliage was so worthy of notice. On this stretch of highway, we watch the tail lights on cars ahead rather than how colors are changing. With the pace of our lives squeezing us through jammed arteries, it's not so much a question of breathing easier. We just hope we don't run out of air.
    As our leaders test the winds of political sentiment, decisions of enormous consequence will be made. The future of the free world... and the future of families, of military men and women patrolling the streets and hills of a distant lands. What they might give to see some of this fall foliage, I thought. They put everything on the line because America has enemies with hellish resolve: fanatics who hope we all quit breathing. So those weighing the meaning of troop escalation and troop reduction feel their chests tighten in these times, contemplating scenarios no one wants to consider.
    Because of men and women who serve and protect, you and I breathe easier. Today's photo was taken near the spot where Gen. George Washington's headquartered during the Continental Army's bitter winter at Valley Forge. A landscape once bleak now beckons. Life and beauty are there. Whatever praise changing seasons inspire, may the character of those serving in our armed forces make us think of glories less transient, and the homeland they so greatly love.

Next time we "struggle" with the morning commute, just pause and take a breath...Who's breathing easier these days because of what we do?

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