Friday, October 16, 2009

Breathing Easier in Great Commission Teamwork

   Yesterday I committed to pray daily for Great Commission Resurgence. 
I missed a flight last June to the event in Louisville. GCR drove the event. "I don't miss flights--ever!!"was in my head all morning. It seemed lame to think, "Maybe, Lord, there's a reason." There was. Hours later, my wife got a call from her doctor. She's okay now. But that day I really needed to be home. These flashes come now and then, that "not everything needs to happen that we think needs to happen." Well...
   Great Commission Resurgence isn't like that. It needs to happen. Right now, some amazing servants of God are expected to work through numerous understandings of what needs to happen. I read today from an old book on William Carey. Around the time he hooked up with British Baptists, Carey was to become the most pivotal spokesman for Great Commission response / resurgence in generations. 

You tell me whether he got that from Baptists or Baptists got that from him.

Any of us who "get it" do so because of Christ's sending Word and Spirit. The task was tougher in Carey's day. Few saw the point of missions at all. Once they did, the missionary society appointing him was winging it.  The stunning thing is that it was not strictly their initiative. It was always God's. So the impact of that experiment exceeded all their collective wisdom and expectations.  As the Spirit shapes our prayers, our interaction, and our yieldedness I believe we will see Resurgence. Together. We're not going back to times when Rylands tried to suppress Carey's zeal for taking the gospel to the nations. Breathe easier!
  Great Commission teamwork will grow. It is growing already. As to Great Commission support, ours is not the first generation to ask,"how does God want it done?" Maybe the Cooperative Program wasn't the third table of stone Moses brought down from the mount. But it's a good thing that generation of Baptists got what they did, asking  God how He wanted it done. From that time on, it has helped thousands whom God calls to Great Commission teamwork breathe a bit easier.  ~jdraper

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